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Zeke Springer

OMG, your assessment of The Rocketeer is dead on. I love that movie. I paid to see that flick twice when it was released. One of the screenings was back when they did sneak peeks regularly.

I thought Bill Campbell (he's since dropped the "y") did a good job as Cliff Secord. I really thought there would be more leading male roles for him. But he has done well in the numerous character roles he's had since. Did you know that he and Jennifer Connelly got engaged after filming but soon broke up?

I have always had an idea why this movie tanked at the box office and you touch on it slightly. I think the move from Touchstone to Disney is what signed that film's death warrant. Touchstone was Disney's adult line and this should have been a Touchstone Pictures release. Much more people would've taken a chance on it if that had happened. Not so much now but back in the 80's and early 90's, older movie-goers sans kids and mature teens stayed away from anything that had the Disney name. The live-action Disney films at the time were pretty lame. So here was technically a "Disney" live-action film and the stigma was automatically attached. At that time, such a film could not succeed.

Thanks for reminding me about how great The Rocketeer was. And I agree, it does seem like it is getting the just desserts it finally deserves.

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