The force is NOT with many of the staff of GeekFest Rants this week. At least not when it comes to electricity. Power out. Internet out. Thank you ever so much, Sandy. So our communication is sporadic at the moment. We even tried hooking onto the wireless at a mall and had trouble. Thanks to good friends, we have a little access at the moment. That gives us enough time to ask....
Disney bought Lucasfilm!?!?!?!?!?
Star Wars Episode 7 is due out in 2015? ( wonder there are rumors about the next SW Celebration being in Orlando, FL in 2015?)
While we (without TV, long-term internet access, or proper lighting) have all the time in the world to contemplate what this means for Star Wars fans, we encourage you to talk amongst yourselves in the comment section below and/or on our Facebook page.) Is it a good thing? Bad thing? What say you?
Hope all is well. I lost power for about a week as well.
I was split between excited to see more Star Wars, and nervous abut where they will take the franchise. Only time will tell I suppose.
Posted by: Thaddeus | 11/15/2012 at 09:40 PM