This past Sunday afternoon at 2pm, my wife, twin boys and I found ourselves glued to the television. We weren’t watching a major sports event, nor were we following some major developing story. Instead we were giddily watching the live announcement, simulcast across the globe, of which actor would be assuming the role of “The Doctor” in the iconic series “Doctor Who.”
Ever since current (11th Doctor) Matt Smith broke our collective hearts in the beginning of June with the announcement of his departure, Doctor Who fans have been eagerly awaiting the news of which actor would take over the TARDIS controls. A myriad of names were bandied about – from “Being Human’s” Damien Molony and Russel Tovey (already a ‘Doctor Who’ alumni) to Idris Elba (Thor, Pacific Rim, 28 Weeks Later). The obligatory rumors of a female Doctor perpetuated speculation of Olivia Colman, Helen Mirren and even “Rose Tyler” herself, Billie Piper taking over the role.
A few weeks ago, the rumors began to coalesce: the actor had been chosen. Most fans assumed that as in the past, the debut would be announced by the show runners, a picture of the new Doctor would be posted, and we’d all eagerly await his debut post-regeneration.
So it came a bit of a surprise when about a week ago, it was announced that there would actually be a live telecast to debut the actor. There would be guest appearances by previous Doctors, companions, and other folks talking about the history of the show, and their thoughts on the future.
And the debut would be simulcast live all around the globe.
Now granted, Doctor Who has come a long, LONG way from being the quirky little show it once was. To say it’s become a worldwide cultural phenomenon would be an understatement. Nevertheless, it seemed a bit over-the-top to have some sort of “American Idol” – esque results show where “We’ll tell you who the new Doctor is…right after these commercial messages!”
But I must confess as the hour grew closer, my excitement intensified. It was frustrating fun to see pre-recorded interviews with Janet “Tegan” Fielding and Sixth Doctor Colin Baker, as well as an appearance by the iconic Dr Stephen Hawking, all the while screaming (and laughing) “Oh get on with it already!” The boys were yelling similar diatribes while at the same time wondering if their bow ties would now be out of style (No, no they won’t!). My wife and I, sitting just a few feet from one another, were commenting on each other’s – and our friends – Facebook status updates.
Then at one point, a pre-recorded interview with Matt Smith appeared to give away one crucial bit of information. Matt wished “him” all the best as the new Doctor. Sorry female Doctor hopefuls…not this time around.
A few more thoughts from some other folks involved in “Who” – including the irascible Bernard Cribbins (the beloved “Wilf”) and it was time for the big reveal.
The camera showed a light-skinned hand with a wedding band on (sorry folks hoping for a change in the Time Lord’s skin color). Immediately I noted the skin of the hand did not appear to be all that tightly wrapped around the bones. Could it be – could we be getting an older actor once more?
And then the name was announced: Scottish actor Peter Capaldi. The live studio audience went wild as the beaming face with salt and pepper hair stepped out to greet everyone as the new face of Doctor Who.
Now for those of us here in the colonies, there’s usually the collective “Who’s that?” However, some observant folks might have recognized Peter’s face from his appearance in the Tenth Doctor’s story, “The Fires of Pompeii.” Peter’s fairly well known over in the UK already, having played foul-mouthed government official Malcolm Tucker for seven years in the well-received comedy series “The Thick of It.” Peter’s also dabbled in Hollywood, having recently appeared in “World War Z” as a World Health Organization Doctor (Seriously…a WHO Doctor? How awesome is that?), and will be seen in the upcoming Angelina Jolie vehicle “Maleficent.”
Show runner Stephen Moffat also revealed a big surprise: When they were looking to cast the 11th Doctor, Peter actually came in for a reading. For one reason or another, the time just didn’t feel right then (and I for one am grateful that we in fact got to see Matt’s brilliant interpretation). This time around, the stars were in Peter’s favor. He happily recounted how his agent called him with the news, greeting him with “Hello Doctor!”
Obviously it’s too soon to determine how we’ll receive the 12th Doctor. But just from appearances alone, I’m pleased. I think a lot of fans were hoping that the regenerations weren’t going to continue to get younger and younger, so seeing an older face than the last three incarnations is a pleasant surprise. Granted, Matt was able to convey the spirit of the “old man” in his acting (I swear, sometimes you would just look at Matt Smith and think “this guy really is a thousand years old), but Peter’s casting harkens back to the days of Pertwee, Baker and Troughton – brilliant actors in the role who were well past their twenties (even thirties).
And so it’s done: we’re now on the road to the 50th anniversary special (where we’ll see how John Hurt’s mysterious “non-Doctor” fits into the mythos), and of course the Christmas special, where we’ll see the Fall of Eleventh and the debut of the Twelfth Doctor.
It may be a little too soon to say this, since he probably doesn’t have the TARDIS key in hand just yet – but welcome aboard Peter. We hope you have your running shoes picked out!