Today on GeekFest Rants, Carlos will toast the end of 2021 with Posters of the Month and some Genre Wines. Up first we have the Return of the Jedi One Sheet Style A poster. This is the one we saw back in 1983 as we lined up to see Return of the Jedi. A somewhat simple poster compared to the Style B. Then we look at the Midnight Mass poster. A vintage style looking poster for the best limited series of 2021. And finally, we raise our wine glass to Genre Wines. From the expanding Star Trek Wines collection to Skywalker Vineyards to even some John Carpenter's The Thing whiskey. What on earth will Carlos collect next?
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Episode 460 - Jedi & Midnight Mass Posters - Genre Wine Bottles (1:03:51)
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Return of the Jedi: Original Teaser Trailer (1982):
Midnight Mass | Teaser Trailer | Netflix:
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