It's finally here, Star Wars Celebration Orlando 2017. Join the Perrones and GeekFest Rants as they take their pilgrimage to the land of all things Star Wars. Happily slip into a 4-day geek induced coma of Lucasfilm/Star Wars movies/TV shows/video games/ and toys, many toys, lots o toys, we're talking toys here. Then Carlos takes a side trip to the retro-VHS world of Indiana Jones and Star Wars videocassette films. Then we cap off this show with a look at Conan the Barbarian action figures. Conan will explain to us what is good in life while he get's to the chopper.
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Episode 304 - Star Wars Celebration Orlando 2017 - Indiana Jones-Star Wars VHS - Conan figures (1:18:28)
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Star Wars Rebels Season 4 Trailer (Official):
Indiana Jones And The Temple Of Doom - Official® Teaser [HD]:
Star Wars: The Last Jedi Official Teaser:
Star Wars Battlefront II: Full Length Reveal Trailer:
Boba Fett VS Cad Bane - Star Wars: The Clone Wars Unfinished Clip:
Star Wars Celebration Orlando Closing Ceremony - Star Wars Celebration 2017 Orlando:
John Williams conducts surprise concert at Star Wars Celebration 2017:
A Tribute To Carrie Fisher:
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