Are you a genre TV, film, sci-fi, horror, fantasy, toy and convention nerd? Do you enjoy listening to podcasts? Do you ever wish you could co-host a podcast?
This just might be your chance.
GeekFest Rants is looking for new co-hosts. If you are interested, please submit one or some of the following:
- A sample podcast you have previously participated on (link or actual audio file)
- A demo reel of conversational audio work (link or actual audio file)
- A movie or tv show review you have or can record, MP3 pref. (5 minutes or longer)
Please email links or files to: [email protected]
Keep in mind this is a free (non-paying) position. We all do it for fun. It's a chance to chat about the hobbies we love.
Technical Requirements for regular hosting procedure:
You must be able to record your end of a phone(landline preferable) conversation with me on a digital audio device (digital recorder, computer, etc.)
Then, after your recording is done, you must upload your file to a server via computer(internet).
Hope to hear from my next co-host soon.
Carlos Perrone