Once in a while Hollywood gets it right. Sometimes you hit the perfect storm of script, director, cast, crew, location, cinematography, music, and sound. Join Carlos today on GeekFest Rants as he takes a trip from rediscovering the Oliver Stone film Platoon, to reading the movie tie-in by Dale Dye and then researching the evolving script that makes up this cinematic masterpiece.
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Episode 447 - Platoon from Script to Movie to Book (1:29:18)
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Platoon (1986) - Trailer:
Platoon Documentary:
Public Politics/Personal Authenticity - UEA Digital Repository: https://ueaeprints.uea.ac.uk/31696/1/Public_Politics_Personal_Authenticity.pdf
Platoon - deleted scenes (+alternate ending!):
Platoon ending scene - Chris Taylor's speech HD:
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